Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Project Update

At this stage, the project will now transition from research to piecing together information that will make the news column valid and informative.  The research has allowed me to pursue different angles that were not initially the focus of the project.  An angle I'm looking forward to explore more in-depth is getting the perspective of international journalist students on how their country views diversity in the news room, mainly news anchors.

For example in the United States, the role of a news anchor is considered 'elitist' or as Professor would say, "old, rich white guys."  It is worth getting a first-person perspective from international journalist students on whether their society views a news anchor position or any high ranking position in the newsroom also as elitist.  Compiling more interviews from students that are observers of news programming will continue as will soliciting the views of media professors that either had experience in the newsroom or currently have a prominent role in a newsroom now.  The ultimate goal is ongoing and is to land an interview with a past or current news anchor that could give their honest take on whether they felt subjected to a 'glass ceiling' in their profession.

1 comment:

  1. As a former USSR and Russian Federation citizen I see very small distinguishing points between American and Russian TV hierarchy. In addition, to be an anchor on Russian or any other former Russian republics TV station is a very rare (close to never) opportunity for an ordinary mortal citizen. One also has to factor in the ongoing corruption issues in Russia.
