Thursday, November 28, 2013

Future of Convergence

The future of convergence is in the hands of marketing. As different platforms of media and technology merge together they are aimed at mass production. As technology advances, with phones, computer, tablets and etc, each is aiming at convenience, portability, and interactivity. With those three being the focus of how technology advances it solely relies on convergence. With convergence and technology coming together this is the perfect recipe for great ways to easily market to the public and get the attention of way more consumers.

We have noticed that when technology was on the rise, each device served a specific purpose. A phone was used for calling and texting. A computer was used for web surfing, and creating various documents. A console was used for games. Now with the rise of convergence everything is being merged into one. This plays on convenience. Transmedia storytellng is on the rise and the consumers are demanding more because of it. Every-time something is produced, consumers expect that they will be able to get it in every form possible, they want to take full advantage of multimedia and the availability of products.

"Over the years we have invented many technical devices, mobile technology, television and computer technology being the most important and effective to our lifestyle. These individual technical devices are now evolving into one another. For example mobile technology now offers new possibilities and has merged with television and computer technology. We have gone from just phoning people to communicate to texting, messaging such as Facebook and twitter, Imessage and Blackberry Messenger and the more recently Whatsapp, which enables you to Imessage and Blackberry Message people. Using the internet, watching television on your phone and news applications, nowadays instead of picking up a newspaper or waiting for the news on the television or radio, you can look at it straight away on your phone by just entering an application such as the BBC News application on my phone. Games, emailing, photography, video-recording and it has now even evolved in 3D technology." ( 

       Mobile phones can now be used as a HDTV,  play games, create documents and surf the web. It is basically like a computer, so we have to question what is the importance of having a computer. Which then brings us to the question is convergence and technology beneficial or is it going to eventually make for bad business for other companies.

The possible negative affect of convergence is that we will be limited to one handheld device, for example just a tablet to produce all out necessary needs. Yet the better side of convergence is that we will have everything we need in one place. I am pro convergence, for the simple fact that we all strive for convenience and order. How can one complain about having a phone that gives access to almost everything and can be easily brought everywhere.

As for marketing, it helps to merge brands and major companies. PR, business, content, and public affairs are now working under the same roof. They work together to help increase the advancement of technology, and sales. With the help of convergence it makes it that much easier for transmedia and storytelling. With the future of convergence companies are looking at more than just how they can get a product out, but how they can get a product out on as many platforms as possible. Currently when a product  is produced, they then have it as a game, an app, in retail, film, television, books, and other novelty items. That is the future of convergence. "Instead of a product having to work with individual companies. on the other hand, defines convergence as ‘flow of content across multiple media platforms’, suggesting that media audiences nowadays play a crucial role in creating and distributing content, and convergence therefore has to be examined in terms of social, as well as technological changes within the society. According to Jenkins, media convergence is an ongoing process that should not be viewed as a displacement of the old media, but rather as interaction between different media forms and platforms" (Jenkins)

We should expect that with convergence technology will be implemented everywhere, although we may think where else can it be, it is already everywhere. However there is still room technology. Like in the video we watched, we can expect that technology will be in more classrooms, it will help children with education and learning, putting them a step ahead for the future. We could also implement video based lessons in school and games that also help kids to learn. It will also be a good idea for games to help elderly learn things about the new generation and this could help to bridge the gap between the generations and technology. 

Sources :
Convergence Culture, Henry Jenkins


TED Talk


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