Monday, October 14, 2013

Women's Magazines and Women's Perspectives

My name is Jannel Varona and I am an aspiring fashion journalist. I am going to blog about fashion pieces that sheds light on fashion struggles faced as a female overtime. I also want to focus on fashion trends that are popular in the past that are coming back now and how it is modernized.

Two things inspired me to do this. One was my final paper for my Intro to Media Studies course. I wrote a paper on how women’s fashion magazines impact women’s perspectives and how it brought about contradiction roles in women. I also mentioned that the changing perspectives of women will ultimately follow the changes of these women’s fashion magazines. Another was my summer internship with an online fashion magazine called Young Hot and Modern Magazine. I was the “Timeless Fashion” section intern and the “Fashion Spotlight” intern. The “Timeless Fashion” section intern involves highlighting the struggles of women in the world of fashion such as women wearing menswear. I am blogging content with combinations of these two ideas because I thought it would be a good twist to add the historical aspect of magazines during the Second World War such as the whole Rosie the Riveter to June Cleaver transition.

Over the weekend, I contacted the owner of Young Hot and Modern Magazine. I asked her if I can post in the Timeless Fashion section with more original interviews from young women and voicing their opinion and she said yes. I will be using the Young Hot and Modern Magazine website to blog about this idea. 

Right now, I am trying find young women to write about. Perhaps, girls on the Rutgers-Newark campus to localize the story or find girls all over the country. Young Hot and Modern actually gives people the option to submit their info if they want to be featured, so I can also use that as a source for a subject. YHM0 is also a good way to get readership because even though the site is two years old, it gets at least 1,000 viewership per day and not just from America but all over the world. 

Here are some examples of the work that I did over the summer that will sort of replicate the future pieces I’ll do for this class:

Young Hot and Modern Magazine
Where the Girls Are: Growing Up with the Mass Media by Susan Douglas
Fashioning Teenagers: A Cultural History of Seventeen Magazine by Kelly Massoni
100 Years of Magazine Covers by Steve Taylor

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