Shirky argues the outcome of the mass amatuerization is becoming more like a bandwagon of people uploading news and events with social media outlets. It is like a way of citizen journalism that the internet allows. Shirky states, " what happens when people are given the tools to do things together, without needing traditional organizational structures" (89). If this were to happen, it would be a chaotic society because their cannot be a society who remains structured if you do not have anyone to structure of what can be published when leaking possibly incorrect information. The way our society system works is if you have leader that deliberate all the decisions of what should be known and what should not be known.
In Why Heather Can Write, Jenkins explains that "media producers speak about "emotional capital" and "lovemarks" to refer to the importance of audience investment and participation in media content."(175) For example, he speaks about Harry Potter books and The Daily Prophet which is “a web-based school newspaper operating within the fictional world of the Harry Potter novels" Jenkins (177). Heather exemplifies that the fan fiction extends the writers reach to the point where it creates a relationship between The Daily Prophet and the brand. Since we are shaping children, we need to guide the future of media the right direction. Children are feeding off from the fictional characters of Harry Potter from learning how to read and write. The literacy for children was being enforced and introduced it to a new perspective. Children are becoming more creative and imaginative and with the use of virtual publishing compete with Harry Potter so they can become the well known company and brand themselves. The consumers continue push their branding so it is profitable, but the literacy for children is being introduced in the growing social media. Heather is not a professional journalist, but she utilized the social media tools to attract a large audience to reach and produce the same content as a professional.
Citizens are beating the government when it comes to releasing global news. Locally and internationally, people have the accessibility to post up of the news facts before they even got their facts straight. The media landscape that we orginally knew with professional journalists is slipping away from personal contact and information. Media is less often about crafting single messgae that is to be consumed by individuals. It is more of an environment to pass a certain message we want to convey.
The professional media is like going against a competition with the public. As time passes more and more social media will be involved when it comes to releasing the news to the public. It will be harder in the future, but It may be just another obstacle that Journalists must overcome. Journalists may already seem like the "bad guy" when writing and reporting, but it will continue that way. Based on the two readings, media amateurization will shift to its rightful place where no matter how much the public posts. People still need major media outlets to confirm their thoughts. Everybody is a journalist or a publisher in their own way, but yet still does not fullfill a professional publisher occupation.
Jenkins, Henry. (2007). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media
Collide. New York: New York University Press.
Collide. New York: New York University Press.
Shirky, Clay. (2008). Here Comes Everybody: Everyone is a Media Outlet.
New York: The Penguin Press.